Phone: 800.326.4188 ext. 222 & 226
Fax: 850.479.3891
Address: 4300 Bayou Blvd. Suite 33
  Pensacola, Florida 32503

App Only Info & Recently Approved and Funded


Typical Credit Package


  • Copy of applicant signed detailed credit application containing SS#, Fed ID#, Home Ownership & etc.
  • Copy of credit bureau report
  • D & B report when available
  • PayNet report if available
  • Last 3 months of business bank statements
  • Trade reference verifications. 
  • Complete equipment description (copy of dealer quote, buyer’s order or bill of sale to include the model number(s), options, cost, taxes, maintenance, software, install and any other pertinent information)  


General Guidelines


  • “Hard Asset” Equipment preferred
  • Personal guarantee of principals
  • Time in business

    • Five years in business minimum for hard assets
    • Seven years in business on high tech equipment
  • Beacon/FICA score of 700 or higher (725 or higher on high tech equipment)
  • Paydex score of 70 or higher
  • Acceptable PayNet report per industry
  • 24-60 month terms (36 months on high tech max)
  • Detailed bank and trade reference verification
  • No Fleet Rental Financing, Floor Plan Financing, or Inventory Financing
  • No OTR Transportation
  • Vocational Trucks acceptable (Cement, Logging, Electrical, Garbage, etc)
  • No Corporate only transactions (must have personal guarantees)

Recently Approved or Funded Equipment


Coach and Tour Buses: $150,000-We recently funded several used coach and tour buses. There is no requirement for the number of buses currently running. The customer must have 5-years time in business to qualify. 

Hydraulic Scaffolding: $45,000-We recently funded hydraulic scaffolding with mast climber, power deck and components. The equipment is used for the construction of building and skyscraper masonry. 

1979 Kenworth Watertruck: We are able to fund your older titled equipment and vehicles. Please let us know if we can help you fund your next older or newer titled equipment.  

Non-Profit Corporations: $280,000-Recently approved for a non-profit corporation working in low income housing that required 14 replacement copiers at its five different locations. 60 month term with one advance payment.

 Farming Equipment: $150,000-Recently approved a specialized self-propelled strawberry harvesting machine for an 8 year-old company that farms and sells prepackaged salad mixes.

 Churches: $250,000-We recently funded audio visual equipment for a Baptist church’s new sanctuary at a second location. Equipment included lighting, cabling, and other soft collateral.

 Laser Spa Equipment: $48,000-Recently approved for a sole-proprietor, not owned by a doctor or medical professional, laser spa equipment used for hair removal.

 Allergy Relief Laser System: $41,000-We recently approved an allergy relief system for a chiropractor’s office with 4 years’ time in business.

 Restaurant P.O.S. System: $100,000-We recently approved P.O.S. systems for a 38 store pizza chain. The first restaurant opened 30 years ago. 70% of the equipment cost was training and soft costs. The other 30% was for software.

 Corp Only Guaranty; Batch Furnace System: $285,000-Financing approved for the residual amount due on an expiring lease for a batch furnace system for a commercial heating plant. The original equipment cost was $1.1 Million.

 Walk-in Commercial Coolers: $150,000-Recently approved a walk-in cooler, cookie room, blast freezer and dry mix room for a large commercial baked goods manufacturer.

 Wireless Modems: $54,000-$50 wireless modems to be placed at a wireless provider’s customer’s multiple locations, recently approved.

 Private Party Sale: $47,000-Recently approved a 13 year old wheel loader for a scrap metal processing facility.